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Tuesday 3 September 2013


Hey there. So just a little update -

As I'm going back to school the day after tomorrow, I hate to say, but I doubt the blog posts will be as frequent. I will definitely be posting at least once a week regarding any interesting happenings in my life (if any do happen to occur, though I'm sure I'll find something to photograph and write a sentence about). I'm sure you will also receive a couple of rants to do with anything under the 'back to school' umbrella (people and work make me angry).

I have some ideas for videos, and permitting that they work, will most likely go up weekly. I know it's exciting but sit tight.

As something to do separate from school and am going to be working hard to improve my blog (with the help from my lovely friend Amber - who is very good with all things bloggie) so I hope you enjoy what is to come. Many people won't have been too interested in what I've been doing over the summer so hopefully what is on it's way will attract more readers.

I do still have a couple of 'summer diaries' posts scheduled so don't be alarmed when you see them pop up.

I know it's tough but try and enjoy going back to school!

Lots of love
Ruby x

(Wow that ending was very much like a letter).

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